Step 1

To offer an investment opportunity, click on investment offers and add new. Investment offers are created as products on The Price field defines the minimum amount an investors needs to offer to be a part of the invest ment deal. This PRICE can be interpreted as the cost of Read more…

Step 2

Short Description Insert a very precise but brief description in the short description field. Be aware this is your elevator pitch moment. Too many words in the short description field will lose investors. Interested investors will read the detailed description so dont leave this out! To ensure that the investors Read more…

Step 3

To lock in the investors, it is important to answer these questions, how high ist the return on investment and when will the returns begin to flow and when will the investor receive hais money back In order to make sure you get the investors you want, make sure to Read more…

Step 4

Your investment requirements are just aas important as the Return on investment. Use the Investment requirements details to issue your conditions of fulfilling the deal Here you can specify the following for example: How much capital is needed to start the deal, which deadline has to be reached for the Read more…

Step 5

Thats it your done! Now double check your details and submit your invesment offer. Just like that the investors can now offer you valuable capital for the deals.
